Friday, July 25, 2008

Unhappilly Full of Amoebas

Had brochettes de capitaine and ginger-zabon juice today at a really nice Malian restaurant for a send-off lunch for Caitlin. Not really sure why you would choose Malian food when you are paying a lot to eat, but the skewers were actually pretty good. In other news, I have amoebas. We’re pretty sure (Caitlin’s diagnosis). I’m on metranidozole for a week, but just have been pretty uncomfortable (diarrhea, etc.) since the trip up to Dogon country.
We’ve been working on writing Clinton Foundation grants all day. The grant writing process is so crucial to learn, but so painstaking and so frustrating to revise continuously.
I spent the morning working on the survey results for the Sigida Keneyali baseline. The survey asks basic questions about family size and then about the frequency of diseases like malaria, fever, and diarrhea, as well as use of local clincs. The surveys took forever to go through, because a lot of the responses were undecipherable: How many women are in your family? Response: 8 or 10. How many children have been vaccinated? 10 or 14.

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