Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Typical Miscommunication= Wedding Invitation and Strawberry Ice Cream

Caitlin and I were sitting in Broadway the closest American style café (the only restaurant where I would ever order a veggie burger and absolutely love it). After we ordered, Caitlin chatted in Bambara with her biggest fan, a smiling waiter, who doesn’t really understand French. Caitlin asked him how his work was going and then she explained to him that Niang (the director of MHOP) had just gotten malaria. She told him that she was worried that he wouldn’t be feeling better by this weekend (the wedding is tomorrow!). He sort of nodded and seemed confused and then began asking for details about the wedding. Thinking that he was just really concerned about Niang’s situation, Caitlin told him that the wedding party was meeting at the mayor’s office at 9 am on Sunday. The grinning waiter seemed relieved- Sunday was his day off and he agreed to meet us at the mayor’s office.
Doudou hasn’t yet taught us the correct Bambara to uninvite someone after unintentionally inviting them to a wedding, so we just decided to be surprised on Sunday morning and see if he shows or not. The waiter was clearly flattered and beamingly sent us over strawberry ice cream cones after our dinner. Apparently, this has become a trend for Catilin at Broadway, and every time she goes there, even if she goes there to get a chocolate cone, the waiter sends her out with another cone, tirelessly strawberry. I’m pretty sure the next strawberry cone Caitlin gets at Broadway will have an engagement ring on top or at least be accompanied by a proposal.
Went to the Hogon last night to see live koura playing- it was amazing and the dance floor was filled with these ridiculous Senegalese knee dancers (name is self-explanatory- they basically have elastic knees).

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