Thursday, June 19, 2008


Finally moved to Sikoroni today!

Tried running a few times already, but it's unclear if I'm just doing more harm than good because it sort of feels like I'm running directly behind a truck exhaust pipe even if I'm not on the main roads. Everyone at my house thought it was hysterical that I was trying to excersize and laughed at Julie and I doing our stretches in the courtyard.

I never thought this would happen but I had fromage soja- tofu- last night at the Piano Restaurant, one of the Chinese restuarants in the Hippodrome. Never thought I would be eating tofu the day after I had a guinea fowl served for breakfast..

I already have a favorite tailor in Sikoro- we bought Malian fabrics at the Marchée de Médine and then I got a tailor to make a few Malian peignes made on the street. There are tailors on ever street corner, and even mobile tailors that ride around on bikes with sewing machines strapped to the back. You can design your own outfit, and they'll have it ready for you the next day. I thought wearing Malian clothes might lessen the frequency of the tubaboe calls, but it hasn't actually made a difference yet.


Elizabeth said...

Hey Katie, just wanted to say hi and that I loved just catching up on your recent adventures through your blog :) keep it up! It sounds like quite the how was the guinea fowl?

hank said...

Hi Katie, We are enjoying your blog which is excellent and brings back memories of my time in Mali. Give us a weather report occasionally - like the temperature - or maybe you'd rather not think about it. Are you still a veg? LOL. Love Grandpa Hank and Mimi

Unknown said...

Be sure to tell your family that Camilla went to prom...